How to Get Parole While Incarcerated?

Parole refers to the early release of a prisoner from jail. A prisoner with a sentence of not less than four years may apply for a parole. If he meets the qualifications, there will be a hearing with the parole board. A psychologist, the victim of your crime and other witnesses may be present during the hearing. Depending on the result, you may be released or moved to an open prison. An open prison has lower security and you won’t be locked up in a cell. In the event that your parole won’t be approved, you will be given another hearing after 18 months.

Follow these tips if you want to get parole while in prison:

•Obey prison rules and regulations

Parolees are still subject to rules called the conditions of parole. Rules include refraining from alcohol and drugs, avoiding gang members, etc. If they are not able to follow rules, their parole will be revoked. They will go back to prison. If a prisoner can’t follow rules inside prison, there is no assurance that he can obey rules outside prison. The Parole Board needs to make sure you are indeed worthy of an early release. Show exemplary behavior for your parole to be approved.

•Write down your plans outside prison

In the application form, you will be asked what your plans are when you’re released. To get an approval, brainstorm with a family member about what you want to do with your life when you’re outside prison. You should be able to provide information on where you plan to live, where you intend to work and other relevant info. The parole hearing is also an opportunity for you to speak your mind about why you should be released early. Plan ahead of time to get the approval of the parole board.

•Prove to them that you will not be committing more crime when you’re released

Your behavior inside prison will determine whether you will be granted an early release or not. If you can prove that you will not be a threat to society, your parole will be approved.

•Join social programs while incarcerated

Your accomplishments inside the prison will also be considered during the hearing. If there are programs in your area that will allow you to help the public, make sure to participate. There is a greater chance that your parole will be approved if you are helpful and proactive while you are inside prison.

•Prove that you will be able to find employment.

While still in prison, a prisoner should make sure that he grabs whatever limited opportunities to work are provided to him. Jobs will be offered to prisoners to help them survive and earn money while still incarcerated. A prisoner needs to work while in jail as one factor that will affect the Parole Board’s decision whether they should grant a parole or not is if the prisoner can find work while out on parole.

•Prove that you are able to financially support yourself.

Another reason why you should work inside the prison walls is for you to be able to save money. You need to prove to the Parole Board that you can support yourself financially. They will never grant a parole to someone who will be a burden to their family or to the state.

•Perform all your duties while incarcerated.

It is important that you are responsible inside and outside prison. If you can prove to the Parole Board that you are indeed worthy of a parole, you will surely be granted one. If, however, you don’t even perform what they ask you to do, a parole will never be given to you. As soon as you are inside prison, be responsible.

•Learn to accept that you have committed a crime and take responsibility for it.

The Parole Board will never grant a parole to someone who doesn’t accept his mistakes. The person should show that he knows how to take responsibility for his crime. Also, the prisoner applying for a parole will be observed. If he works hard to become a better person, he is more likely to be granted a parole. If he is mature and emotionally stable and doesn’t have behavioral problems, he might be granted a parole. It is not a guarantee, but it will greatly help.

•Provide a good residence plan.

A residence plan is basically a document stating where a prisoner plans to live when granted parole. Although this will not guarantee parole, having problems with your residence plan would surely not get you that parole you are seeking. You need to make sure that the location of your residence has a stable environment. Also, you need to provide them with accurate info – the telephone number and address should be updated. The location of your residence must be somewhere near facilities that you would perhaps need during emergencies. If for example, the parolee has a mental disorder, he should be living near a mental health center.

One important reminder: Never possess a cell phone while you are trying to get a parole. Owning one is a felony. If you get caught, you will be denied parole, no questions asked.

Statements from the victims are essential to the Parole Board’s decision. Before the investigation, the victim can speak to the Parole board about the crime and how it affected and impacted them. The Parole Board will greatly consider the reason and the effect of the crime the prisoner committed.

Other things will be considered before you are granted the parole. Why you are in prison will be strongly considered. If you committed a major crime, you will not be considered for the parole. They will also look at your previous offences. If you had other crimes before, chances are you will not be getting a parole. The victim and the judges’ statements will also be considered. You can’t change the past, but you can have a brighter future if you choose to. Do not get yourself in any trouble while incarcerated and always follow the rules.