How to survive in a Minnesota Department of Correction Facility

The chances of survival in prison may depend on how a person looks at life. Many prisoners see life behind bars as the worst thing that can ever happen to them. They feel hopeless and they give up.

They just simply let go of everything – even the hope of getting their freedom back. Giving up is much easier than choosing to persevere, but the former won’t get you anywhere. Accepting the fact that they no longer have a life to go back to, they become reckless in prison. They do anything they want to.

Before discussing the things you need to know on how to survive in a Minnesota Department of Correction facility, it is best to know how the Minnesota Department of Correction started.

Minnesota Department of Correction History

The Department of Corrections in Minnesota started even before it became a state. The construction of the first territorial prison started in 1853 in a town called Stillwater. Minnesota officially became a state in 1858 and this became the first of several state prisons. A second institution was inagurated in 1867, which was intended for juveniles. This was the very first correctional institutions that did not use security walls or bars for protection.

As the time goes by, more prisons were built and laws were implemented that affected both the prisons and the children’s reform school. Some popular inmates were incarcerated in the Stillwater prison, including the brother of Jesse James. The department was founded in 1959. This was a way to reorganize the different boards that controlled the juveniles, adult prisoners and parole into one efficient tool.

The Life Inside the Minnesota Department of Correction Facility

A person who wants to survive in prison must make a realistic and achievable goal. This is probably the most important tip a prisoner may want to follow. A person who knows what he wants is more likely to succeed.

He just needs to decide on what he wants out of his life. He needs to set rules that he needs to follow in order to achieve his goals. A prisoner who wants to survive must know the things that he must do and those that he must not, in order to lessen the chances of getting a prolonged sentence and increasing his chances of getting a parole.

Those who want to know how to survive in a Minnesota Department of Correction facility must keep this in mind – it’s vital to stick to one’s own goals. Creating goals is easier than actually putting them into action. Goals are nothing if they aren’t pursued.

Anyone who wants to survive life in prison must have the perseverance and determination to continue what he has started. Creating a list of the things he wants to achieve is helpful. He may even add a checklist so he would know how he is doing. Seeking help from inmates, especially those with good records, may also be an option.

A person who wants to survive in a correction facility must do some research about prison life. Knowing how a prisoner can get a parole will help a prisoner survive in jail. He will have more reasons to wake up in the morning and do good things. He will also have something to look forward to and work hard for. There may be programs and groups that he can be part of in order to show that he has intentions of getting back on his feet.

There are lots of terrible and disgusting inmates, but there are also lots of prisoners who have been trying to change for the better. It might be helpful if a prisoner could talk to other inmates and ask around how they were able to survive life in prison. They may give helpful tips but he must still be wise enough to know which would work for him. Make a list of the suggestions and figure out which seems sensible and achievable.

The Re-integration Program

One of the many problems a felon normally faces is dealing with so much freedom. Because of this the Minnesota Department of Correction has developed programs to help a felon re-integrate back into the society. Some felons are having a hard time coping up with their new life after being in a strict environment for so long. This problem is common to many felons and is the primary reason why most of them become repeat offenders.

The most ambitious programs in re-integration is the Challenge Incarceration Program or the CIP. It is a long-term process that involves three stages. The first stage usually last for 6 months or more and is a combination of a military school and a psychological training. Depending on how well the felons responds, he will be put on a work crew.

During the second stage the felon will be released in a community similar to the outside world. The felon is still under high surveillance, but with less structure.

Stage three is similar to stage two but with even less surveillance involved. Once the felon completed stage three, he is released from prison, but is under supervision for the rest of his sentence. The felon should keep in mind that if in case he fails to complete phase two or three he will be returned to prison with an increased sentence.

The re-integration program is only one of the many ways that the Department of Corrections in Minnesota tries to help prisoners adjust to their life on the outside and keep them from going back to their old habits. They are doing their best to help offenders understand that they have the liberty to choose to do right or wrong. As the future unfolds, the Department of Corrections in Minnesota will continue this program and offer the best protection they can possibly provide.

All in all, knowing how to survive in a Minnesota Department of Correction facility is all about pursuing the right goals, maintaining the right mindset, and being eager to learn about the environment.